...a weekly devotional

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our Everlasting Rock

"The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, 
Because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever,
For in GOD the LORD we have an everlasting rock."
-Isaiah 26:3-4

As a military spouse change seems to be the only constant in circumstances. Just as you begin to settle into a routine, things get flipped upside-down at a moments notice with a move or a deployment. As if that is not enough, even the change cannot be adapted to because there are details, dates, and locations that all continue to change. We are leaving in less than two weeks and 80% of the details still seem up in the air. With all this change I am discovering how flexible I am not.

I am learning more and more that the only constant is the Everlasting Rock. This is a verse I cannot seem to shake from my mind. Isaiah 26 opens with the words, "In that day..." speaking of God's promised restoration. It is a chapter that prophecies about Judah's response when that day comes- they will sing a song of God's deliverance, and verse 3-4 are part of that declaration. This verse is somewhat ambiguous as to whether it refers to a nation being kept in safety or a person being kept in peace, and you will often find a number of translations rendering it in different ways. I think it is left somewhat ambiguous on purpose to show that whether it is about national security or individual peace, whatever the size of the problem, God is not surprised nor has He lost control. 

As uncertainties arise the only thing you can do is cling to the Rock that is higher than you or your circumstances. I find myself praying "Lord, we don't know what to do, so our eyes are on you." But the thing we can be certain of is that God cares infinitely more than we do about our difficulties. He is not out to get us. He does not bring things into our lives simply to see how hard he can makes things for us before we snap. He loves us deeply and wants our best, therefore, He does what He knows is best. Jeremiah 31:3 says, "The LORD appeared to me from afar, saying, 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness." What an amazing thought that we are drawn in love by God. How could we think that He would tease us with problems or leave us out to dry?

In fact, He often takes away what we think we need or withholds what we want to spare us from greater pain. It is just like the mother who refuses to let her child have an extra brownie because she knows it will just make him sick. But is seems that our only focus is what we lack rather than God's provision. That's why Isaiah 26:4 says "trust in the LORD forever," because with a God who is infinite in His love, wisdom, goodness, and control how could we look anywhere else?

When we trust in God, the "bigness" of our problems seem to shrink, and the goodness of our Savior floods us with peace because in God we have an everlasting rock!

1 Image taken from trip.typepad.com


  1. Leah, thank you for your honest and encouraging reflections!

  2. God as my Rock is a great word picture, and your posted picture is great too. I can imagine the mighty waves beating against the Rock and having no effect. You are the one who taught me God is not an Indian Giver. He gives freely to me who deserves nothing. Everything from Him is bonus. May He give you and Jon His bounty soon as you wait peacefully on Him.
